Rene guenon english translations is a decidedly useful selection of guenon in english. Its goal, as guenon states it, is to explain a symbol that is common to almost all traditions, a fact that would seem to indicate its direct attachment to the great primordial tradition. Dante was without doubt far more than a literary genius, and one is justified in thinking that many. English the reign of quantity and the signs of the times i rene guenon. Little is known of his family, although it appears that his father was an architect. The symbolism of the cross is a book dedicated to the venerated memory of eshsheikh abderrahman elish elkebir.
Editions traditionnelles, paris, 1939, 1949 avec certains. Rene guenon lesoterismo di dante gianfranco bertagni. Par ces mots1, dante indique dune facon fort explicite quil y a dans son. And recommend them wholeheartedly to anyone who wants to get a sense of the guiding ideolog of what has evolved into current postmodern traditionalism. Our main goal is the teaching and divulgation of the traditional knowledge.